Directors Lounge

at Inner Spaces Gallery Poznan

Centrum Sztuki Wspólczesnej
ul. Jackowskiego 5/7
60-508 Poznan

Polish program notes: fwd  Click here

First evening: 12.5.2006
at 20:00
André Werner - general program of Directors Lounge  Fwd Directors Lounge
A choice from the international entries of this year's Directors Lounge. Presented by one of the founders of the festival: André Werner.  
Daniela Butsch - electronic painting, short & experimental films
With this international selection, Daniela Butsch shows her concept of electronic painting with video. The selection will also have an emphasis on artists whom the artist and curator met during her stay in China in 2005.

Second evening: 13.05.2006
at 18:00
Klaus W. Eisenlohr - urban research   Fwd Urban Research
With the increased dynamic of urban development, more artists are concerned with urban space as a theme and issue. This selection shows a range of new experimental and documentary work of international artists.
Kim Collmer - forming motion   Fwd Forming Motion
Forming Motion is a night of animation shorts collected from around the world. For this series, animation is depicted as both a connector of images, and as a reminder of the artificiality and tedious nature of its construction. Many artists in this program create a tension between the flow and the construct. Within their work there is a focus on texture, line, movement, light and rhythm and film's ability to contain life and energy.

The Team Directors Lounge is a collaboration of artist curators who have independently called for new work and who have created their own program as part of Directors Lounge. At the two evenings at Inner Spaces Gallery, all four curators will be present and will introduce the selection they have made for the screening.

Fwd  Press Release
Fwd  Images
Fwd  List of Artists

Fwd  Directors Lounge

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 Selection from General Program - selected by André Werner

Marina Foxley, FR, Blue 4 min

Philip Newcombe, GB, Snap 4 min, DV, 2005

Jean Gabriel Périot, FR, Even If She Had Been A Criminal 9 min, DV, 2005

André Werner, D, Mannaka No Ie (The House In The Middle) 7 min, DV, 2006

Jeremy Jes" Benstock, GB, The Holocaust Tourist 9 min, DV, 2005

Andreas Rost, D, Solo für Ramallah 5 min, DV, 2005

Devis Venturelli, I, Atti Osceni 4 min, DV, 2005

Masha Godovannaya, RU, Untitled #1 4 minutes, S8 DV, 2005

Electronic Painting, Short & Experimental Films curated by Daniela Butsch

Liu, BB, Unity is Strength, Shanghai/CN 2003, 1'30

Susanne Neumann, Grün die Wälder, grau die Burgen, Oberpfalz mein Heimatland, D. 2004, 1'08

Victric Thng, Locust, Singapore/Hong Kong 2003, 3'25

Andre Werner, Le monochrome, D 4'31 271 daniela butsch speed manipulation 1'08

Timo Kahlen, kleine turbulenz, 2001-proposal for an immaterial sculpture 103 dampf 1'43

Sandra Becker, 2001, delay, 3'53

Harry Jo Weilemann, videoskizzen, 4'23

Heiko Mehnert, city lights, D, 2004

Heiko Daxl, Ingeborg Fuelepp, Euriental Colours, 4'42, 282 istanbul/d 2004

Heiko Daxl, Le Cinema - le Train 13' 780

Urban Research curated by Klaus W. Eisenlohr

Cornelia Erdmann 7 Minuten zum Thema Tankstelle, DE 7:00 DVD

Roger Warren Beebe SAVE, USA 5:00 DVD

Noëelle Georg A Promessa PORT 4:15 DVD

Diane Bonder You Are Not From Here USA 9 min, VHS

Papa 'n Razzi aka Kemmy Thyssen in 'na City DE 7:33, DVD

Klaus W. Eisenlohr Stadtrandzone Mitte in Langenhagen - Excerpt, DE 4:30 DVD

Virginie Laganière Corridor CAN 2:26 DVD

Dirk Holzberg und Jörg Pfeiffer Framefunk DE 3:25 DVD

(for more detailed program of Urban Research, click here.)

Forming Motion curated by Kim Collmer

Stephen Arthur, Vision Point, Canada, 1999, Still Photos, 1:27 min.

Carl Nolting, Disintegrated Memory Lapse, United States, 2004, DV, 4:22 min.

Aline Helmcke, Destrukt, Germany, 2005, Hand-drawn animation, 2:20 min

Chirstinn Whyte & Jake Messenger, Text Field, United Kingdom, 2002, 1:00 min.

Elizabeth Stohl, HOAM, Germany, 2005, digital animation, 5 min

Kelley Bell, Broadway Boogie Woogie, directed by United States, 2004, Digital Animation, 1:30 min

Bärbel Neubauer, Algorithmen, Germany, 1994, 35mm, 3:17 min

Ho-Yeol Ryu, Ampel, Germany, 2002, 1:30 min

Janet Galore, Party Party Chisai-san, United States, 2006, Hand-drawn cells with Flash assist, 1:30 min

Kim Collmer, The Fold,, Croatia/ Germany, 2005, 4:11 min

Norma V Toraya, Lovers Supplant, United States, 2005, hand-paint and digital animation, 2:08 min

Virgilio Villoresi and Vivì Ponti, FRIGIDAIRE, 2005, 5:41

Andrea Martha, PAO (bread), Portugal, 2005, pixelation animation

Shizuko Tabata, Childhood, Japan, 2001, 16mm, 2:30

(for more detailed program notes of Forming Motion, click here.)

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