directors lounge summer screeningsOliver Whitehead — films from 1967—2007Sonntag, 12 August 2007 Oliver Whitehead, der kürzlich eine Retrospektive seiner filmischen Arbeit im Cartes Flux Festival und WeeGee Art Center, in Espoo/Helsinki zeigte, kommt aus Helsinki nach Berlin um seine Filme und Videos in der Z-Bar im Rahmen der Sommerscreenings der Directors Lounge vorzustellen. In Whitehead's later work the subject matter comprises the structures and users of urban settings(...) The visual idiom and the overlaid soundtrack give the works a politically slanted narrative dynamic. The meaning of the films, on the other hand, arises from the combination of cinematography, editing, repetition and thematic combinations. These have an inherent political dimension in the works in that they oppose the solutions typical of commercial cinema. (Hanna Johannson) Filmprogramm Details und Biographie Links: |
With Support from AVEK, Audio-Visual Production Center Finland |
video stills © Oliver Whitehead |
directors lounge summer screeningsSundag, 12 August 2007 Oliver Whitehead from Helsinki, who recently showed his work in a retrospective at Cartes Flux Festival in Espoo/Helsinki, comes to Berlin to show his work at Z-Bar. "In Whitehead's later work the subject matter comprises the structures and users of urban settings(...) The visual idiom and the overlaid soundtrack give the works a politically slanted narrative dynamic. The meaning of the films, on the other hand, arises from the combination of cinematography, editing, repetition and thematic combinations. These have an inherent political dimension in the works in that they oppose the solutions typical of commercial cinema." (Hanna Johannson) With two films, Oliver Whitehead was already part of this year's Directours Lounge and some further Urban Research screenings. Now, we are proud to be able to give a more deep insight in his film and video work, and have the artist present his work at Z-Bar. The screening will be the opening of further summer screenings of Directors Lounge in August and September 2007. Film play list and biography Links: |
With Support from AVEK, Audio-Visual Production Center Finland |