directors lounge screening at z-bar
dark sun rising
curated by klaus w. eisenlohr
Thursday, 30 November 2023
Bergstr. 2
D-10115 Berlin-Mitte
Dark Sun Rising
The dark forces, occult magic or secret ceremonies exert a strong attraction and awaken the unconscious in us. Aleister Crowley, Nikola Tesla and Kenneth Anger have been a source of inspiration for many filmmakers, regardless of whether they believe in occult theories or not. And cinema and music are probably the media that go best together with subconscious vibrations. Moreover, the graininess of analogue film as well as some digital editing and expressive tonalities open the field for associations of the viewer.
Our contemporary world, with the need to defend democracy, to fight for rational politics and against "alternative facts" and conspiracy theories almost doesn't allow any more to indulge in dark mythologies. This new dogma of always having to be realist, and fighting for the rational politics in democracy, may be one of the reasons for the increase of irrational right-wing tendencies and the power of subversive attacks on civil society. Perhaps it is people like Abby Warburg who show that appreciating dark myths does not mean you have to be reactionary or even irrational. Images have there own truth and connect with a different kind of consciousness. Thus, let's dive into a world of dark suns and electric propulsion.