Urban Research on Film, program at Directors Lounge 2009 in Berlin curated by artist Klaus W. Eisenlohr
urban research on film - directors lounge 2010
film / video / installation
Program Overview
urban research
program 6:
urban interference
Friday, 19 February 18:00
With urban interventions, artists try to play a more active role in society than just showing in a gallery space. The reasons and aims can be manyfold. Some artists see themselves as "political activist" and try to change politics and society; others just try to reach a different, more divers audience; or, they like to realize a seemingly impossible dream. All of them, however - even if the respective intervention is just the presence of the recording camera share visions and ideas about urban life, on how to connect life, soul, street, architecture and society. And those inspirations may be infectious, beware!
Tom Skipp ES Stormwater / Estanque de tormentas 14min 23sec 2009
The piece, a three screen video installation, explores a lesser known urban space to be found at the heart of our cities: stormwater reservoirs. Filmed inside the biggest stormwater reservoir in Europe just before it was opened, filled with water and closed to the public forever. A female singer metaphorically takes on the role of stormwater, thus reflecting the monumental, timeless man made architecture built to handle the might that nature still has on cities.

Jeanne Liotta US sutro 02min 53sec 2008
The view on urban landscape has become a commodity, equally valuable as the rural pastiche of garden and nature for the "country house". This short movie using the frame jumps of a film camera, however, creates a view onto the urban night scape of San Francisco connected with an interior that may connect with the meanings of landscape contemplations by the romantic painters.
Vassiliea Stylianidou DE/GR Im Park 08min 30sec 2009
The play takes place in a park behind the high rise of the Allianz buildings in Berlin. It is a performance collage between two persons and a choir. A threefold dynamic evolves: between the speaker, the higher authority and the public. “IM PARK_I Lie to History_Let?s build your beautiful tower, you charming boy!" poses questions about trust, alliance, power and powerlessness in the condition of global crisis.
Clemens Fürtler A BILDMASCHINE 03 04min 30sec 2010
The built origin of BILDMASCHINE 03, (image machine), is a sculpture made of Minitrix model train tracks. This contemporary "version" of Moholy-Nagy's idea of a light modulator consists of two endless loops for miniature trains that beam lights by means of LED flashlights. The video evokes a man made urban landscape that seems to be at the same time well-known and futuristic.
Riccardo Iacono UK Missing 04min 12sec 2007
Missing' involves throwing objects in urban space and is concerned with the correspondences of eye and camera motion; how physical and psychological disturbances and irregularities are filtered, amplified and suppressed. Repetitive throwing is used as a coping mechanism, a way of negotiating time, space and memory and testing the boundaries between imaginary and real-world order. The video was shot at Elephant and Castle, London.
Paul Clipson US CHORUS 07min 00sec 2009
A nocturnal urban journey in which layers of space, color and light pass through the eye of the camera to create thoughts visualized before their conception. The title CHORUS derives its inspiration from the influence of Gregg Kowalsky's soundtrack, an passage from his album, "Tape Chants," which serves to suggest a night environment that is "speaking" to the camera eye's movement through spaces, textures, and colors. Shot in San Francisco, New York and Rotterdam.
Roberto Duarte DE/CL Reflektionen 06min 50sec 2009
Being able to recognize, within the contingent reality, when and where multiple layers of given information intersect, following their own path, allows this space of perceiving to be open, creating new meanings in a deeper way. In this case, mobile phone communications appear to be the natural social context for a night shot of water reflections. This video was shot completely by chance, while looking for reflections on the river.
Mischa Leinkauf + Mathias Wermke DE Zwischenzeit 06min 32sec 2008
When a thought idea comes to life, when an imagined picture starts to exist in reality, then fiction is real. A draisine on its way on the train tracks of a metropolis. Endlessly running, without aim. The film Zwischenzeit (time-in-between) does not tell a story. It tells a state of affairs. A profession of love to the moment.
Patrick Tarrant AU Stepping Down 09min 30sec 2010
Stepping Down offers a map for the memory tourist, identifying significant echoes in time, and highlighting spaces of interest ‹ so that you don't have to! Steps will help you navigate the maze. Stepping Down also works as a photographic primer that will show you how to stop down to achieve shadows that are truly black. Look out for those little signs of life on the way down.
Pablo Useros ES Found People Movements This is a Political Film 10min 06sec 2009
The film series deals with the urban movements of the citizens. With different views and forms we see the patterns of the everyday life. In this case in a singular place, a crowed place. In the crowd, human interaction seems to be reduced to the spectre. The artificial appearance of a talking head changes the scene to become surreal. Still, life goes on and pretends to be and endless catwalk in the main street.
Anja Abele DE Institut Orange: Die Geh Dreh Schau Bewegung 00min 31sec 2009
Anja Abele DE Institut Orange: Das Ticket Stempeln 00min 56sec 2010
Institut Orange ist ein künstlerisches Label, das Körperbewegungen im urbanen Raum untersucht und speziell solche Bewegungsmuster dokumentiert und archiviert, die aufgrund ihres speziellen Vorkommens Orte prägen und einen entscheidenden Anteil an der Vielfalt eines Stadtbildes tragen.
Roch Forowicz PL Interception 05min 20sec 2007-2009
Actions in the INTERCEPTION series refer to the city surveillance culture, i.e. permanent surveillance with the use of CCTV cameras, software and devices processing and storing information. The actions are deep-rooted in the idea of hacktivism, consisting in the interception and usage of technological solutions against the will of their creators. Consequently, CCTV cameras were damaged.
Directors Lounge 2101 daily program